Puzzles Perfect for The New School Year

Consider adding Montessori puzzles and toys to your back to school program. Not only are brain teasers fun, but they are a great educational tool too!

While we here at Creative Escape Rooms obviously have a slight affinity for room escape games we also love the educational aspect of puzzles.

Instead of the old worksheet, workbook, or work-what-have you lesson plan why not try adding a more hands on approach with a puzzle!

I don't know about you but those first few days, weeks, months (OK, let's just stay with days to weeks) of the school year were brutal. Adjusting from the fun of summer to the rigid enclosed space of a classroom made focusing very difficult.

If a teacher (or even professor) would have switched up the pace and added something more stimulating than turning to page 30, reading a chapter, and then completing a worksheet I think it would have made quite a difference.

For our full selection of our back to school puzzles and brain teasers you can check out the links below:

The Emotions Puzzle:

This Montessori puzzle is designed to assist with identifying the facial expressions of different emotions and the terms associated with them. You can also mix and match the various faces to create some of your own.

The Soma Cube:

If you are looking for a puzzle ideally suited to assist in both creativity and finger dexterity in younger children the Soma Cube is perfect. While the puzzle consists of only 7 pieces the cube can be recreated in over 200 different ways.

In addition you can use the pieces as a puzzle version of Legos to create your own shapes and designs. How cool is that?!


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