My 5 Favorite Escape Room Puzzles

With so many choices out there when it comes to finding the best escape room puzzle or prop finding the perfect fit can be difficult. With that in mind I decided to pick out my 5 favorite puzzles and props for escape rooms. 1. Mirror Maze Escape Room Puzzle This escape room prop requires multiple people in order to solve the maze. Ideally this would go in a wall dividing two rooms. It can also be installed in partition or table. In order to solve this prop one player will have a magnet but on the mirrored side. On the other side is...
Ideas on How to Use Locks in an Escape Room

Here are some creative ideas on how you can implement locks in your escape room. Even as escape rooms become more technologically advanced the tried and true lock will likely always have a place. Sure the old numeric/alpha combination may present itself in a more "futuristic" manner, but at the core an X digit lock is still an X digit lock. How Escape Rooms present the code/solution/combination/what have you to such locks can go alone way in differentiating a good escape room from a great escape room. Below I will go over a few ways to use props and puzzles with different locks...
Creative Ideas For Incorporating Locks In Your Escape Room

Locks in all of their forms are a stable of escape room games around the world. Even as Escape Rooms become more technologically advanced the tried and true lock will likely always have a place. Sure the old numeric/alpha combination may present itself in a more "futuristic" manner, but at the core an X digit lock is still an X digit lock. How Escape Rooms present the code/solution/combination/what have you to such locks can go alone way in differentiating a good Escape Room from a great Escape Room. Below I will go over a few ways to use props and puzzles...
How to Use/Read the Pig Pen Cipher in Escape Rooms

It is important to understand each of the puzzles and props in your escape room to ensure you can utilize their full potential. With this in mind I have created an instructional series to help familiarize yourself with our Cipher Wheels and Encryption Machines to better incorporate them in your room escape game. The Pig Pen Cipher is significantly easier to understand and use than some of our more secure encryption machines (think Enigma II). All you need to start writing coded messages are the images below: You will want the above image somewhere in your Escape Room. With this...
How to Read and Use Sign Language in Your Escape Room
The use of a sign language escape room prop is both an inclusive and entertaining way to communicate information to your escape room players. Believe it or not sign language can be an effective way of communicating a numeric code, clue, or short message in your escape room. It can serve as an inclusive and unique escape room prop. Sign language, by definition, is a visual form of communication. Some of the more intricate and complication hand movements/gestures do not translate well to medium such as engraved wood, but the basic alphabet and digits 0-9 certainly do. Each letter of the...
How to Read/Translate Morse Code and Escape Room Ideas
For this edition of our "How To" series we are going to tackle Morse Code and show an example of how to use it in your Escape Room. Be sure to check out our other Secret Message ideas to enhance the experience of your escape room players. Don't miss our selection of puzzles, key mazes, ciphers, and more! For a quick synopsis of just what morse code is check out this snippet from the morse code Wiki (or just skip on down a few paragraphs if you are only interested in learning how to read a morse code message): "Morse...